Monday, 15 September 2008

Tim Tam Slam

I first had a Tim Tam biscuit when I was visiting my folks when they lived in Australia about 6 or 7 years ago. The Tim Tam is an Aussie institution. It's kind of like a Penguin biscuit - only not as dense. So it was on that visit that I first discovered the 'Tim Tam slam'.

About a year or so ago I noticed that you can now get Tim Tams in Ireland. (You can get them in the UK too, and in USA I think they are called 'Arnotts Originals'). Every now and then a packet finds its way home from the grocery store.

Anyway, today I favoured a cup of coffee for my afternoon break as opposed to my usual tea and I opened the biscuit tin for something suitable to dunk. Tim Tams! And I just had to do a Tim Tam slam. It was so good I felt I had to blog about it!

By now some readers may be wondering what a Tim Tam slam is. Check out this video that gives clear, step by step instructions as to what to do.

I should say that slamming with a cup of tea would work, but if you can drink coffee then the flavours work better.

Let me know if you give it a go.